Recently OMEGA PACKING, a Panamanian industrial consulting and engineering company worked with SIPA on some interesting projects for Central American liquors companies rum and spirits market. In particular, OMEGA PACKING supported an important brand in Central America that was in search of a new lightweight packaging solution for one of its mayor spirit product. The company has invested in SIPA technology, and the XTRA rotary stretch-blow molding system. The Production started up last summer.
Lightweighted packaging is produced on a six-cavity XTRA 6 that makes bottles in four sizes. It is achieving outputs up to 15,000 bph. The preforms it uses were also designed by SIPA and supplied by a local converter that is using SIPA’s tooling for the production.
The spirits bottle was already made in PET, but the XTRA 6 means it can make them lighter than ever, thanks to its high precision bottle/preform manipulation and high overall performances of the system. The company can take full advantage of complete packaging development (preform and bottle) to achieve high performance with low weight. And of course it can also profit from the class-leading output and energy-efficiency of the XTRA system.
SIPA came into the Latin America liquors market strongly recommended by engineering company and systems integrator OMEGA PACKING, which operates across Central America and Caribe, and which itself has already acquired SIPA bottle making equipment for other projects in the region. The decision to acquire the XTRA 6 was made easier by the fact that SIPA has strong team of technicians stationed not far away as well as spare part stocks easily available.
OMEGA Packing is an industrial consulting and engineering company with extensive Latin American experience in design, sourcing and installing equipment and integrating automated lines for processing, bottling, labelling and packaging that provides personalized, efficient and rentable solutions for the food industries, drinks with or without alcohol and mass consumption, among others. OMEGA Packing Inc. born in the year 2016, product of the union of three partners in the sector: Federico Villa, Medardo D'Ambrosio and Juan Ramón Villa, who want to raise their knowledge at another level with a wide vision, deciding to combine experiences, ideas and willingness to work in a single company integrating solutions for the, liquors, foods and beverages industries.