Continuous beverage carbonation and mixing unit

Massblend is a compact continuous mixing unit for the automatic production of no-carbonated and carbonated beverage: the system uses the latest technologies in the mixing and carbonation field. 
In this process, deaeration of water is carried out in a high-vacuum tank, while mixing and carbonation are achieved with an in-line proportional dosing system. 


  • Highest final product standards in terms of quality, accuracy and repeatability.
  • In line CO2 dosing system with special nozzle and mass fllowmeter .
  • Starting, Stopping the mixer without syrup and product loss (i.e. flavour change or end of batch)
  • Xfill version available, for a direct integration with the filler.
  • Mass flow meter to control the CO2 quantity.
  • Design extremely compact, thanks to the tank’s horizontal arrangement.
  • Very easy logistic: machines are packable in containers for fast installation and commissioning.

Main features and advantages of Massblend machinery

  • In line proportional CO2 dosing system with mass flowmeter
  • Fully automatic processcontrolled by a PLC, menu-based 15-inch touch-screen operator control panel.
  • Frequency-controlled pumps.
  • Syrupquality check.
  • Highly hygienic design concept, for easy cleaning and to provide the highest levels of sanitation in the equipment.
  • Highest final product standards in terms of quality, accuracy and repeatability.
  • Product flow control by means of level regulating system in the buffer tank.
  • Mixing ratio min ÷ max: 1 : 4 ; 1 : 10
  • Outflow rangeability: 1:4.
  • Gentle product handling.
  • Economical use of space, thanks to the tank’s horizontal arrangement.
  • Very easy logistics: machines are packable in containers for fast installation and commissioning.
  • Reduced gas consumption through capacity control in accordance with the level in the carbonation tank.

Additional equipments:
  • Cooling of the carbonated product including control and measuring equipment
  • Quantity measurement for oxygen, CO2, Oxygen, °Bx etc.
  • Piping exposed to product is made of 1.4401 stainless steel (AISI316).
  • Mixing ratio up to 1:1.
  • Energy saving thank to insulation of the product buffer tank.
  • Double stage deaeration with high vacuum principle

  • Carbonation min ÷ max: 1,5 ÷ 4,5 V/V
  • Dosing accuracy for CO2: ± 0,05V/V of CO2 or better (in steady conditions)
  • Dosing accuracy for syrup: ± 0,03 °Bx or better (in steady conditions)
  • Cpk capability > 1,33 related to final product.
  • Residual oxygen in the final beverage: < 1 ppm

The inlet water is finely atomized by using a specific diffuser, the residual oxygen is removed from water by using the deaeration with high vacuum principle. A flow meter indicates the water that is sent to the mixing system by using a sanitary centrifugal pump.

The amount of water serves as a reference variable for the dosing of syrup. The flow meter measures the Brix value of the sugar syrup and uses the data to control the mixing ratio.
The syrup is dosed using a frequency-controlled pump, a modulating control valve and a pressure measuring device.
Utilising the constant pressure on the control valve, the syrup is dosed with highest accuracy. Practically 100% syrup utilization, including the mixing phase from the syrup room.

The CO2 is fed via a control valve and it is measured with a mass flow meter.
By means of a special injector nozzle the CO2 is finely dissolved to guaranteed the maximum solubility in the treated product utilising just the required amount for the beverage carbonation.


Preparation of CSD, juices, carbonated mineral water and other non carbonated products.

Massblend 12 Up to 12,000 l/h
Massblend 27 Up to 27,000 l/h
Massblend 34 Up to 34,000 l/h
Massblend 42 Up to 42,000 l/h
Massblend 54 Up to 54,000 l/h
Massblend 66 Up to 66,000 l/h

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